Category Archives: Life

One Moment in Thailand


I’ve just returned from an incredible adventure in Thailand, feeling exhausted and exhilarated. There are so many photos to go through (as you can imagine), so for now I present one of my favourite highlights:

Achingna is a monk from Pai, a stunning village in Northern Thailand. Mick and I were visiting his temple and ended up spending an hour with him under a tree, helping him with his English lessons.

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Christmas in July


This was my very first Christmas in July… what a wonderful treat it was. Delicious food, carols and company, even a visit from Father Christmas. I’ll probably always spend the real Christmas day with family, but having the chance to spend it with beautiful and fascinating friends was a delight.

So much love to Caro, Sam, Rachel and Jess.

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Caro Facelli love love love
thank you so much darling, they’re just lovely!
everyone should always just shoot with candlelight

Street Style: Gloria


I’ve been meaning to start photographing the street fashion of Melbourne since I moved here, so it’s about time I begin. The perfect first subject is Gloria, my stunning new housemate. I have a feeling she may pop up a few more times due to her creative and striking ensembles.

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