Olive Way, Seattle // Street Style


I was so taken with her eyes and hair garland that it took me ages to notice her amazing shirt.

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My dear friends Coops + The Bird (aka Bianka Feo and Jake Cooper) played a Christmas Eve gig at The Exeter – my local back home in Adelaide.

The bluesy duo are currently recording  their first EP, set to be released mid way through the year. I’ve been lucky enough to hear a couple of first cuts, and can’t wait to hear the final mix. I know I’m biased, but they’ve got the goods.

You can follow them here.


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Rue Saint-Viateur Est, Montreal


I’ve just returned from a truly spectacular solo adventure around some of North America, and cannot wait to share the photos with you. This is going to take some time, particularly in the wedding high season, so for now I’m going to start posting some of the street style portraits I captured on my travels.

I’ll be continuing the series around Melbourne and anywhere else life takes me from now on.

To kick it off, I give you a man with exceptional layering abilities, whom I met at the indie music/art/design festival Pop Montreal:

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Ben Russ Hey Lucy – i saw this linked from Stenta on Facey-B. I lived in Montreal, and my wife is from there (who is doing an advanced diploma in photography). I was there a couple weeks back myself. Love the photo and would love to see more.
PS – I hope you tired the bagels on Rue St Viateur.